新冠疫情导致美国全球各地大使馆停止办公,美国国务院签证控制部主任Charles Oppenheim预测:2021财年,职业移民至少可分到20万个绿卡配额,比正常财年的140,000多出60,000个,而且这些名额有希望被转给职业移民EB-1/EB-2/EB-3类别。
Wolfsdorf Rosenthal LLP律师事务所网站消息如下对这则消息做了整理,这家律所的老板是美国移民律师协会(AILA)前主席。
Approximately 60,000 Additional Employment Visas Available for Fiscal Year 2021 (Starting October 1, 2020)
Charles Oppenheim, Chief of the Visa Control and Reporting Division at the U.S. Department of State, when addressing the EB-5 trade association IIUSA on June 15, 2020, estimated that the “FY 2021 Employment limit [could be] at least 200,000 [as opposed to the regular 140,000].”
This is because he “currently expects that there will be a significant amount of unused FY 2020 family numbers …” after the shutdown of consulates due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While qualifying that things, “could always change between now and September, and impact that estimate,” this is good news for all the employment categories, especially the EB-5 employment category where the unavailability of visas, together with the increase in the maximum investment, has caused a slump in EB-5 filings.
However, the EB-1, 2 and 3 visa categories would benefit most with an estimated 51,480 visas going to these three categories collectively.
Mr. Oppenheim also confirmed that the annual deduction of 700 EB-5 and 300 EB-3 visas as a result of the Chinese Student Protection Act will be completely satisfied in FY2020. Therefore, not only will China receive its full annual quota in FY2021 (starting October 1, 2020), but it will also benefit from this unused family visa spillover.
EB-4 and EB-5 each get 7.1% of the allocation of an additional 4,260 visas, approximately. EB-1,2 and 3 each get 28.6% of the quota so each category would likely get an additional 17,160 visas, approximately.
美国国务院签证控制和报告部主任查尔斯•奥本海姆(Charles Oppenheim)在2020年6月15日向EB-5贸易协会IIUSA致辞时估计,“ 2021财年的就业限制[可能]至少为200,000 [反对常规的140,000]。”
EB-4和EB-5分别获得大约4,260个签证分配的7.1%。 EB-1,2和3分别获得配额的28.6%,因此每个类别可能会分别获得大约17,160签证。