
类别:签证原创资讯  作者:科领移民  发布时间:2022-05-09 08:53:21 浏览:2695 评论:0




Message from the Government of Canada about lifting the electronic travel authorization  requirement for lawful permanent residents of the United States



eTA Number : J888888123

Your Canadian electronic travel authorization (eTA), as identified above, was issued based on your indication that you are a lawful permanent resident of the United States (U.S.). As of 08:00 a.m. EST on April 26th, 2022, Canadian entry requirements for lawful permanent residents of the U.S. (USLPRs) have changed and valid USLPR card holders no longer require an eTA. As a result of this policy change, your eTA document has been invalidated and can no longer be used for travel to or through a Canadian airport.

If you are a representative, we recommend that you share this with your clients.

To travel to or through Canada, you must follow the instructions below.

All modes of travel (air, land, rail, marine)

You must be prepared to provide your valid passport or other travel documents and proof of your valid status as a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. to airline staff at check in and to a Canada Border Services Agency  border services officer when you arrive at a Canadian port of entry. These documents will be used to determine admissibility to Canada as you no longer require an eTA. For documentation considered acceptable as proof of your valid status as a lawful permanent resident of the U.S., please consult the section Required documents for lawful permanent residents of the U.S. to travel to or through Canada on page 2.

If you are a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. who is already in Canada:


If you are already in Canada, you can continue to stay and travel within Canada for the length of your authorized period of stay. If you plan to leave Canada for any reason or any length of time, you will need to provide proof of your valid status as a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. and a valid identification document or documents to re-enter Canada.

Students and temporary workers

If you have a study or work permit, your permit is still valid. You can continue to stay and travel within Canada according to the validity and conditions of your permit. If you plan to leave Canada for any reason or any length of time, you will need to provide proof of your valid status as a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. and a valid identification document or documents to re-enter Canada, along with your permit.

For more information on this change, please consult our website.


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Required documents for lawful permanent residents of the U.S. to travel to or through Canada

Valid travel document or documents  (usually a passport) from your country of nationality, and

Official proof of status as a  lawful permanent resident of the U.S., such as one of the following:

- valid permanent resident card (Form I-551)

- foreign passport with an unexpired temporary I-551 stamp (also known as an Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunication [ADIT] stamp)

- foreign passport with a temporary I-551 printed notation (“Upon endorsement serves as a temporary I-551 evidencing permanent residence for 1 year”) on a machine-readable immigrant visa upon endorsement with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection admission stamp

- expired permanent resident card (Form I-551) with Form I-797 (Notice of Action) for pending Form I-751 (Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence) or Form I-829 (Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status)

- expired permanent resident card (Form I-551) with Form I-797 (Notice of Action) for pending Form I-90 (Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card [Green Card])

- valid re-entry permit (Form I-327)

- Form I-94 with an unexpired temporary I-551 stamp (ADIT stamp) and a passport-style photo

Some people get emails that look like they are from IRCC. They offer special immigration deals if you give them personal information. We will never send you an email asking for your private information. If you get this kind of email, don’t click on any links or give any information about yourself. If you have any doubts about where the email came from, make sure to check the identity of the sender. Please see our department’s website for more information Internet, email and telephone scams.

If you have further questions, you can reach us through our website.


本文标签: ETA美国绿卡加拿大ETA


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